Help Yourself

I have created a few resources that can help you restore your health by taking a few important steps towards a healthier diet.

“Diet” comes from the Greek “the way of eating”.
What you eat, digest, absorb and utilise becomes you.
Food carries information. Food interacts with your genes, creates new bacteria species that either promote good health or cause you ill health. Food either regulates or disrupts your normal biological functioning.
Food carries information. Food interacts with your genes, creates new bacteria species that either promote good health or cause you ill health. Food either regulates or disrupts your normal biological functioning.
Diet for Hay fever recipe ebook
If you have hay fever symptoms your immune system is over-reacting to common irritants (pollen in this case). Your immune system should be able to let these irritants ‘pass by’ without any notice, as they are part of nature.

But due to various causes (you will learn about them in my ebook) your immune system has backfired causing you unpleasant events.

This eBook will help you cut out the foods that might aggravate your hay fever symptoms even more and it will show you which foods will alleviate your hay fever symptoms.

◦ 7-day menu plan including Breakfasts, Lunches and Dinners
◦ Bonus: my two favourite relaxation techniques to help you learn to reduce stress supporting your immunity even more.